Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Blizzard

Well, we are into day two of our Blizzard. The wheelbarrow has now been buried since this photo was taken and Chloe refuses to leave her shed. Sheep are of a similar mindset. I can not say I blame them. I am hiding out in the studio working on a commission and avoiding my statistics homework.

Actually I am avoiding all things school related at the moment. A small gift to myself for remaining in school while my friends pay off their mortgages and go on luxury trips to locations that are deficient in snow. The evil green monster in me was wishing for a different life this week.

Sad thing is the economy is actually looking worse now than when I convinced myself to return to school several years ago. I have also been to several "Meet the Grads", Career Fairs and the Deans List Reception and hearing the "rah rah, it is a wonderful time to be a new grad". The experience has me wondering if I am looking at the same economy as the speakers. At least I have a few decades of previous work experience to call on to back up my resume but I wonder what will become of the young grads. Maybe things will look better by the time my kids graduate!

Hope springs eternal.

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