Friday, March 15, 2013

There is a rumour that there is life out there. I heard there is this body function called sleep. I am beginning it is an urban myth as I myself am not getting any excess amounts of the stuff. School break... study break whatever one calls it now adays had a morning reprieve as I played snookie from the computer and my now loathsome 4th year project to catch something fast and furious!
The last time I went to the track it was a bitter -30 and although I got some nice shots today's excursion was infinitely more enjoyable!
The horseman in me was mortified when I did not notice one particular animal. I loved him and took many shots but did not note anything more interesting than his magnificance. All I thought was "Man that horse has got legs going everywhere. LOVE IT". Later turned out it was the one trotter on the track. My friend Ben who trains there, caught it and lets see if you can see him too! My version of "Where's Waldo" just for you.
I am going back to bed to nourish my mind so I don't make another aux pas!!! Adios!

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