Friday, July 29, 2011

Fog rolls into Fullerton Farm

Muffin - 3/4 Blue face Leicester ewe lamb

Benny - Pure Clun Forest Ram Lamb & Garnet -Blue Face Leicester x Rideau Arcott ram lamb
My Girls

Today was a wondrous blessing. Our home and surrounding landscape was encased in a thick shroud of fog. While many would curl deeper beneath their covers I was cruising around my pastures looking for interesting pictures.

I love taking photos in the fog. I would love it better if my sheep did not have an illness called "Nuisance Gene". This is an ailment that plagues any farmer who treats his animals well, provides TLC and the occasional back rub. I am glad there was a thick pea soup fog for if my neighbors saw me jumping up and down attempting to scare my "unscareable" sheep they would have had a good laugh at my expense. Any passerby would have surely called the nearest mental ward to have me carted off for some "evaluation".

Come to think of it I need not worry, the fellows from the funny farm would have to come get me and considering how my sheep feel any human with hands should be rubbing their backs I am pretty certain I could make a get away! Remember they have twice as many legs as us and are quite insistent that all available hands must be put to work here at Fullerton Farm.

Here's hoping your days are a bit foggy!!

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