Sunday, August 21, 2011

All in a flap

Alastair- Japanese Bantam Rooster

Alastair- Japanese Bantam Rooster

McDuff - Dutch Bantam Rooster

I know I said I wouldn't be posting but I had a few nanoseconds of time prior to indulging in a bit of desperately needed sleep!

Tonight the rabbit, sheep,crafts, woodworking, photography and poultry projects went into the show. We decided to leave the horse home. Only because she couldn't fit in the truck or the Sunfire no matter how hard I tried. It was also too far to walk or else I would have repeated the Achievement day fiasco as my blisters have finally healed! LOL

Much like the birds above I felt rather like them in the frantic race to actually get every animal into the show barns and then get out before anyone asked me to do anything else! A torrential down pouring of rain from the heavens had us stranded in the barn watching as ducks floated down the roadway in a merry game of "Isn't this a great time to be alive?"

I beg to differ. I don't like to be wet and as soon as it was over we made a bee line for the truck only to be brought up short again by another unleashing from the heavens. My only thought was "Please Lord, let this be the deluge you had planned for tomorrow." As I work outside. This is a career plan that needs some modification!

Anyways, for all my kids in poultry this year...GOOD LUCK and remember to smile. :)

The rest of you can follow the same advice. ;)

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