Monday, September 20, 2010

A drink of water for a thirsty woman

Moving the flock

Working a Tough Crowd

What a wonderful, fantastic, glorious, soul fulfilling weekend this was.

Sounds kinda silly when I put it that way doesn't it? Its the truth. It was a great weekend that quenched my soul like a desert traveller finding an oasis.

First there was the art show where I got to meet up with a variety of other artists and talk about our experiences. It was so refreshing to hear them discuss their life stories and realize that I was not so unique or that I was the only one who had experienced difficulties. When we isolate ourselves we have a tendency to feel as if the rest of the world does not expereince the same hardships we do. I was wrong, and it felt great to know that. It also felt wonderful to discuss issues and look for solutions to problems you saw with other open minded people who also shared a "lets do it" attitude. It gave me a great sense of hope and the courage to say "Ok, lets see if we can make this better."

Sunday was filled with sheep and wool and folks who loved their job and people who wanted to learn about thier job! It was Open Farm Day here, an event where the public is invited to see farms throughout Nova Scotia. I have mentioned before in this blog about the huge disconnect people have from where their food comes from. This was no different. Over 100 people showed up to learn about sheep farming and the various applications that applied to it. Gwyneth and I spun wool and did needle felting. I taught many folks to spin wool. It was ugly wool but they learned and appreciated a part of their history and I believe left with a better understanding of why craftsmanship and creativity is an important part of our life.

There was shearing demo and a sheep dog demonstration where poor Mark the Border Collie got the short end of the stick with a bunch of ram lambs who were not impressed with the situation in general. The above photo made me laugh because as a creative person who wants to do things it feels like you are the Border Collie, all this energy and no place to put it. Having a flock of ram lambs face you down can be a daunting task! Mark buddy, I feel your pain!

SO the next time you feel alone, go visit people. If your really lucky like I was this weekend you will find a ton of like minded folks and you'll get to feel like your one of the "flock"!!

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