Sunday, September 12, 2010

I was here and people noticed!

I was here Black Point July Photograph

Yesterday was the sheep sale and I am glad I went and I am glad it is done! Hurricane Earl delayed the sale from last weekend to this one and it did not affect peoples attendence. Can you say busy???

I sat and spun wool for a great majority of the day and I was able to chat with friends, old and new.

Sometimes you isolate yourself from others for a variety of reasons and you begin to feel alone and odd. I found yesterday that it was very therapeutic to be proven wrong and I know I was not the only one. Many people came and chatted about themselves and one thing most of us shared was a love of creating. An idea of having a clinic/workshop for working with wool had been tossed around by a couple of friends and I and when I bravely asked if others would be interested the response was a unified "YES"!

People who I thought might not be interested in a needle felting workshop because they are very accomplished spinners were very emphatic in wanting to be included. A woman who has her own rug hooking business was thrilled and as she tried to learn to spin said "Count me in I want to try!"

Sometimes we sell ourselves short when we underestimate not only our abilites but the desire that other people have to want to belong among like minded individuals. Just because you are known for your abilities in one genre people often assume that you would have no interest in their ideas. I do not know if this is precipatated by fear of rejection or plain ignorance of individuals but I know I learned to be fearless and stride forward.

Your not alone, there are others out there who want a reason to gather, learn and enjoy the company of like minded individuals. Much like my off kilter photo from a weekend get away, just becasue it is a little off center does not make it bad or undesireable!

Stayed tooned for future "wool gathering" up dates!!!!

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