Saturday, June 19, 2010

June 19th- Lets do it again!!

You know what I love about June 19th 2010? I get to celebrate it twice!

Thanks to a not too subtle reminder from my sister in law who questions my maritime ability to time travel I realized that I entered in the wrong date. Opps.

Yes I am living in my own little world, don't worry, they know me there!

So I figured since yesterday was so fantabulous, I would repeat the same event ...only better!

To days painting is the next step up in my Truro Home stretch piece and now I hope you can see the extreme light the evening sun was casting on these magnificent animals as they turn the corner to head into the homestretch. Now comes the hard part, the racehorses.

I figure if I muck it up I will just skip that day, hey, it worked before! ;)

Have a great day and have a laugh at yourself because we all know that laughing is contagious.

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